Sunday, November 9, 2008

Getting motivated to post

Well, I am going to try to do better posting. I will try to post at least once a week - (don't hold your breath).

Okay, my blog should be called crazy cat lady instead of mom2everyone. You will probably hear more stories about the cat kids than the human ones. Just today, I threw a wooden snowman under the christmas tree to keep Sasha and Soxie from undecorating the tree, and I accidently bloodied Soxie's nose. Major guilt and a bloody mess under the other tree to clean up. Did throwing it work - NO. Soxie ended up hurt and Sasha just batted the snowman around until I could pick it up and take it away. A little later she had a fabric ball off the other tree batting it around the living room floor. I am so their human!

Today I have spent some time painting ornaments and other "crafty crap" as I call it. It is fun to make my own ornaments and decorations, but I am not always happy with my own work. I try not to be too critical, but sometimes I just don't think things turn out the way I imagined them too. We have been working on our house lately. We are changing out the carpet to laminate and changing all the trims and moldings. It looks so good, but it will take a while. Time and money, if we have one, we don't have the other. Guess which one we have the least of? We, Jeff, my mother, and I have been doing the work. My mom and I have built a lot of homemade decorative items for the house. Just this past week, the three of us built a sofa out of an old door and some wood. It turned out really pretty. I will try to post some pictures to go along with the updates.

Today Caitlin bought the ps2 game Buzz for us to play. It was fun - I won both times!!!!! Even Jonathan played pretty well by just guessing some of the answers. Jeff always acts like he is going to skunk the rest of us and then reality sets in. At least I didn't hear claims that I was cheating to win. I call that progress.

This looks to be a busy week. Jeff is going hunting again. The kids and I have fair board meetings. At least there is no school for them on Tuesday. Work Wednesday and Friday and tons of housework in between. That doesn't even include all the animals that have to be taken care of.

This week should also see the delivery of Mo's scrapbook kit. I am very excited about working on that. Will someone come clean my scrapbook room?

Well, that is it for now - I hope to be back soon!!!


1 comment:

melanie, aka Mo said...

Yeah, I know what you mean about the order of my instructions. I am all over the place! Been having technical difficulties, so I just put all the videos on my blog tonight when I learned how! I will post my book (IF I can figure out how to scan it...) tomorrow. Thanks for participating. And yep... it was expensive. Melanie